In my opinion
A recent CACUSS panel shed light on the realities that many racialized staff face.
How McMaster University’s Black Excellence Cohort hiring initiative was formed.
While it is necessary to educate students on academic integrity and academic misconduct, these two concepts are often conflated.
COVID-19 has forced academic conferencing online. As we emerge from the pandemic, we mustn’t return to the ‘old normal.’
Many Indigenous scholars forge ahead to passionately contribute to systemic change; however, as requests mount, and there’s not enough time to go around, we are stretched incredibly thin.
Determine early on, with a sort of resolve that you may have to fake at first, that you are absolutely worthy and so is your work.
Lessons learned from successful campus implementation efforts.
We should use what we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic to make university study and work more equitable and inclusive.
An invitation to decolonize universities through collaboration.
A cognitive science professor finds little difference between using “the Netflix model” versus “the Disney+ model.”
Reconciliation in education begins by acknowledging how educational systems — in particular, our universities, teacher education programs and curricula — have reproduced systemic anti-Indigenous racisms across Canada.
Orientation week assaults persist because they are normalized as part of university culture.
Hostile exchanges are quickly coming to the forefront of issues confronting human resources departments.
Canadian colleges and universities can mandate COVID-19 vaccination without violating Charter rights
Campus mandates are not forced vaccinations. Mandates offer choices: receive or decline the vaccine.
The social network website Goodreads provides insight into what some women are reading.
The lack of any structural acknowledgement about the toll that COVID is taking on parents and caregivers is a grave failing at the institutional level.
Universities need people, policies and protocols that take into account how to support the success of BIPOC students from an equity, not equality, perspective.
Ryerson University needs to embrace an approach that prioritizes the public interest and truly listens to public conversations about decolonization.
Academic freedom means academics can reflect on any topic, but can they fuel racist thinking?
What happens when someone outside of the university community co-ordinates a mass email campaign demanding the firing of a faculty member? University policies need to cover this.