In my opinion
While academic freedom itself might sound like a unique notion, granting special tools or rights to specific professions is rather commonplace.
Universities need to offer planned socializing for students who entered programs after 2020 and are less likely to know other people in their cohort.
We’re passionate about what we do but find ourselves at the mercy of a broken system.
It’s critical that students be taught how to share research findings with policymakers.
While you don’t necessarily need all these attributes, they definitely help if you are considering an administration role.
For a consumer, for instance, making the switch to an electric vehicle is a difficult decision.
Traditional academics deepen knowledge, public academics expand it.
High tuition filters out poor but often academically qualified students from other countries.
Sometimes you need to deeply embarrass yourself to grow.
The gender pay gap for faculty in Canadian universities is significant and persistent.
A group of researchers at Université de Sherbrooke came up with a unique way to educate people about the “leaky pipeline” in academe.
A part-time professor’s most important lesson: survival.
The journey back from pandemic-enforced online learning will be a steep learning curve for everyone.
Training needs to go beyond course delivery and focus on evolving issues such as student mental health and educational technology.
Could I completely re-pivot back to where I started as an academic? It would be disingenuous to claim that I had no doubts, especially on the teaching side.
The cultural dimension is particularly important as Canadian universities enroll more and more international students.
Institutions of higher learning are ideally places where there is deliberation and reflection on hard questions, and a shared grappling with the public good.
Strategic investments are needed to support all stakeholders in the transition to research equity.
Rather than transmitting course content, in-person class time should be dedicated toward deep and transformative learning.
Universities and colleges need better, more easily accessible and culturally competent mental health services targeted to the needs of international students.