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People on the Move

Announcements – August 2023


Queen’s University has reappointed Fahim Quadir as vice-provost and dean of the school of graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs for a five-year term. Dr. Quadir has held academic positions at universities in the U.S., Canada and Bangladesh. He is president-elect and vice-president of the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies.

Ashok Mathur has been appointed vice-president, research, and dean of the school of graduate studies at OCAD University for a five-year term. He brings extensive administrative and teaching experience in graduate education as well as a significant record of research and creative practice to the role. With more than 30 years of experience as an educator, administrator, researcher and cultural organizer, he is well-positioned to not only lead this key portfolio but to extend the institution’s research capacity and increase graduate student enrolment.

Concordia University has appointed Timothy Dye, a medical anthropologist and social epidemiologist, as dean of its new school of health. Dr. Dye has extensive knowledge of public health with his research focused on the social, ecological and cultural determinants of health. He previously taught at the University of Rochester in New York and began his five-year term on Aug. 15.

MacEwan Universtiy has appointed Lara McClelland vice-president, university relations. Ms. McClelland has worked for the Government of Alberta, NAIT and the University of Alberta. In this new role, she will manage the university’s government and community relations, alumni and fundraising, marketing and communications.

Tom Durnin has been named chief information officer at Mount Royal University. He spent 19 years at the University of Calgary, serving most recently as director, IT investment, project management office and customer engagement. He holds an MBA from the Australian Institute of Business.

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