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Media Scan

Headlines for Oct. 5, 2017

BY ANQI SHEN | OCT 05 2017

U of Regina showcases ‘unprecedented’ investigation into Saskatchewan oil industry

Three universities and a New York Times journalist partnered with journalism students to bring research, storytelling and a documentary to light.

Toronto Star
Opinion: Confronting racism on campus is not political correctness run amok

Critique of the comment Massey College senior fellow Michael Marrus made to a Black student should not be dismissed as political correctness run amok, writes Andrew Kaufman.

U of M students demand changes to school’s harassment policy after Steve Kirby allegations

A group of University of Manitoba students are demanding the school make changes to its sexual harassment policy after allegations surfaced against a former music professor.

Western students to rebuild ‘grandma’s’ garden trampled in street party

Students have organized an online fundraiser to repair a neighbour’s garden that was destroyed during Saturday’s “fake homecoming” celebration.

Winnipeg Free Press
KPMG report takes aim at post-secondary education

The reporr urges the Manitoba government to freeze college and university grants, hike tuition and eliminate duplicate programming.

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