Globe and Mail
Universities introducing term limits for Canada Research Chairs to meet diversity targets
Many universities are introducing term limits to get new academics into the jobs as the prestigious program struggles to meet diversity targets.
Global News
University of Alberta receives $24M grant for research equipment
The federal government is investing nearly $24 million towards research equipment at the University of Alberta.
Quebec vows to break down barriers immigrants face finding work in their professions
Most foreign-trained professionals never obtain the certification from one of Quebec’s professional orders to continue in their chosen careers.
Opinion: It’s time for a bold new vision for Canadian fundamental science
Much of the Naylor report discussion has focussed on funding. But Canada also needs to overhaul its fundamental research enterprise, Alan Bernstein writes.
Saskatoon StarPhoenix
U of S veterinary college to lose $8M after Alberta pullout
The Alberta government currently funds 20 seats at the college. Its advanced education minister said the agreement would not be renewed in 2020.
$2M grant to save massive music archive that is ‘falling off the tape’
EMI Music Canada donated a collection of more than 18,000 audio files last year, but the U of Calgary had to wait for a grant before attempting the tricky task of preserving it.