Global News
Uvic campus party raises questions about safety
A huge party at the University of Victoria is raising questions about a lack of COVID-19 restrictions, as students head back to school.
CTV News
Four major charges laid after massive 4,000 person party throughout Kingston’s University District
Kingston bylaw says four people are facing minimum $10,000 penalties, and more could be on the way, after a 4,000-person party in the city’s university district.
Global News
Kingston city bylaw issue Reopening Ontario Act summons for continued street parties
The street parties in Kingston’s University District continued Thursday evening and into Friday morning, with approximately 3,000 to 4,000 people at various large gatherings in the area.
Apps monitor COVID-19 as university students return to campus
The return to campus at Carleton University includes a daily symptom screening, spot checks of their results, vaccination attestations, and QR code check-ins as students return to class amid concerns about the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Globe and Mail
Universities are open for in-person classes, but much of the curriculum is still only online
Postsecondary students are heading back to campuses this week after a year of studying remotely, but many of them are finding much of their course work is still only available online.
The Globe and Mail
Nursing schools can’t accommodate increase in demand at time when profession faces shortage
Nursing schools across the country are seeing a surge in applications, but many students are being turned away because postsecondary institutions don’t have the funding for the extra spots.
Global News
Pandemic plans for University of Calgary students in fall 2021
Students’ union president Nicole Schmidt joins Global News Morning Calgary live via Skype to explain what students can expect while attending the University of Calgary in the fall of 2021.
The Toronto Star
Ontario universities are bolstering mental health resources for the fall, but students say barriers to access persist
For university and college students, exercising resilience during the pandemic has been difficult.
CTV News
‘Between staying safe and getting an education’: McGill COVID-19 protocols denounced by students, administrator
“A lack of distancing in classrooms, faculty removing masks, no testing, no vaccine mandate and ignoring calls from students and faculty experts do not represent my beliefs as an administrator.”
Global News
Street parties continue in Kingston’s University District, causing safety concerns
It’s just days before the beginning of the fall semester at Queen’s University and Kingston police are already reporting thousands of students taking to the streets of the University District.
Ottawa Citizen
‘It feels very improvised’: Hybrid classes throw a new curveball at university professors
Last month, anthropology professor Ari Gandsman did a dry run of an entirely new kind of class in an empty lecture hall at the University of Ottawa.
Catching COVID-19 in class and vaccine passports: Students’ back-to-school questions answered
If proof of vaccination is required to visit a movie theatre, why aren’t they needed at university lecture halls?
The Toronto Star
These post-secondary students are learning to form connections after nearly two years off campus
It’s move-in day, orientation and frosh week all rolled into one for many university and college students. And, for some, it marks the end of almost two years absence from campus.
Times Higher Education
End ‘panic and forget’ cycle of basic research, says virologist
Author of ‘sleeping beauty’ coronavirus paper says her experience is ‘incredibly strong’ argument for funding basic science.
Global News
Amid COVID-19 protocols, a move-in day like no other at UBC
Around 7,000 students will be moving into residence at the University of British Columbia‘s Point Grey campus on Saturday.
Vote on Campus program suspended at colleges and universities
Elections Canada has suspended its successful Vote on Campus program at post-secondary institutions for the federal election because of the pandemic, leaving many young voters unsure of where and how to cast their vote when away from home.
The Globe and Mail
In the COVID-era, the liberal arts are more valuable than ever
With an ever-oscillating mixture of trepidation and excitement as we near the return date to campus, students, faculty, administrative staff and parents juggle their conflicting emotions and wavering expectations in a climate so slippery that a firm footing remains frustratingly elusive.
CTV News
SFU earth scientist leads team of experts to discovery of new earthquake and tsunami threats to Japan, potentially B.C.
A team of researchers have found new evidence of another seismic risk for Japan, with possible implications for parts of B.C.
Global News
COVID-19: Western University students hopeful for ‘normal year’ as they move back to residence
With the new school year a week away, university and college students are moving back to London, Ont., this week to get ready to start classes in person and move back into residence.
CTV News
‘What am I supposed to do?’: Mount Allison students in N.B. feel the effects of ER closures
The ongoing temporary overnight closures at the Sackville Memorial Hospital in Sackville, N.B. are now a cause for concern for students at Mount Allison University.
The Toronto Star
Canada’s travel ban will hinder Canada-India ties but not COVID-19
Though I am a fully vaccinated Canadian, I recently returned to Canada from India from a long, circuitous, and ultimately more hazardous route.
CTV News
P.E.I. creating additional COVID-19 testing sites as students prepare to head back to school
Prince Edward Island is creating additional COVID-19 testing sites as students prepare to head back to school.
Global News
U of W takes harder stance on COVID-19 restrictions ahead of fall classes
The University of Winnipeg is taking a harder stance on its COVID-19 restrictions.
The Toronto Star
Petition against vaccine mandate misses mark as Queen’s doubles down
A handful of “concerned Queen’s students” haven’t received the answers they had hoped for as Queen’s University not only stood by their vaccine mandate but strengthened it.
The Hamilton Spectator
New McMaster student success manager hopes to empower Black students
Iyobosa Faith Ogunkoya wants to help Black students find their voice.
Memorial University President Welcomes Students Back to Campus
Students from all over the country and the rest of the world converged on MUN this week on “move-in” day as they take up residence on campus.
University of Victoria urges students to stop partying after hundreds seen at campus event
The University of Victoria is urging students to stop going to parties after several hundred people, many unmasked, were seen at an outdoor campus event on Sunday night.
Yukon News
Yukon University students eligible for travel grants
Post-secondary students and faculty across the north could soon be taking their studies and work to other northern regions of the world.
Orientation weeks get closer to normal at Halifax universities
When the pandemic forced most Nova Scotia universities to move to online learning for the fall term in 2020, a landmark event in the student experience — orientation week — was also forced to go virtual.
UBC will require proof of vaccination when declaring immunization status
Just three days before the start of the school term, the University of British Columbia has clarified it will now require all 90,000 of its students, faculty and staff to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination when declaring their immunization status.
Montreal Gazette
Concordia students ready to kick off new school year on Tuesday
“I’m looking forward to meeting new people, seeing my old friends … just getting back to normal,” says communications student Isabella Perelman.
MUN students facing housing crunch with residences full, says student union
Some students looking for housing in residence at Memorial University are finding themselves out of luck for the upcoming school year, leaving them scrambling to find a place to live as they resume their studies.
The Hamilton Spectator
McMaster won’t talk about its psychology, neuroscience and behaviour department
McMaster University is distancing itself from a back-to-school message sent by the head of embattled Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour.
Late course changes and uncertainty: Why some students are finding ‘a bit of a dumpster fire’ back on campus
Canadian college and university students were anticipating a more normal return to campus this fall, after most only had classes online last year.
Edmonton Journal
U of S reports slight hike in enrolment for fall term
A vaccine-or-test-results requirement to be on campus doesn’t appear to have deterred students from signing up for the fall term at the University of Saskatchewan.
COVID-19 on P.E.I.: What’s happening the week of Aug. 30
Faculty and staff are responding to UPEI’s plans to have most classes in person this fall.
CTV News
UWindsor researchers land $500K federal grant for multi-disciplinary COVID-19 study
Research on the transmission and detection of COVID-19 is already taking place at the University of Windsor, but a half-million dollar federal grant will now allow researchers to collaborate their findings to possibly detect dangerous variants before they land on public health’s radar.
Edmonton Journal
Opinion: University of Alberta at risk from death by a thousand cuts
Like many Albertans, we are angry and we are gravely concerned about the future of our province.
Ottawa Business Journal
Carleton seeks to help ‘level the playing field’ for women in STEM with new mentoring program
Carleton University is partnering with some of Ottawa’s leading tech firms on a new initiative aimed at closing the gender gap in fields such as science, technology, engineering and math.
Global News
Indigenous peoples from across Canada in Kingston for Royal Military College program
Students at the Royal Military College (RCM) have returned to Kingston, Ont., and received their cap badges — a small badge worn on uniform or headgear to identify a service member’s branch.
CTV News
Calgary professor won’t use capital letters unless it’s to acknowledge Indigenous people
A Calgary professor says she won’t use capital letters in her name or anything she writes, unless it pertains to Indigenous people.
The Globe and Mail
Garry Neill Kennedy turned NSCAD University into cultural hub
When the renowned German artist Joseph Beuys first visited North America in 1970, the lure wasn’t New York or Los Angeles: He was going to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, now NSCAD University.