Why universities are trying to recruit overseas students from as many places as possible
Canadian universities are riding a wave of popularity as destinations of choice for overseas students.
Global News
University of Northern B.C. faculty issue 72-hour strike notice
Students at the University of Northern British Columbia are bracing for possible classroom disruptions, after the school’s faculty association served 72-hour strike notice on Monday.
Globe and Mail
Only one event cancelled for safety concerns after Ontario postsecondary free-speech directive: assessment
Only one Ontario university reported cancelling an event because of safety concerns in the eight months after the establishment of mandatory free-speech policies on postsecondary campuses, according to an assessment delivered to the provincial government.
Global News
Halifax university students speak out after racist posters found on campus
Students and faculty at Mount Saint Vincent University were surprised to find posters reading “It’s okay to be white” posted around campus the day after Halloween.