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Headlines for May 12, 2020


The Globe and Mail
McGill, UBC among universities to offer majority of fall semester online

A number of Canadian universities announced that their classes will be held primarily online in the fall, acknowledging that restrictions required to contain COVID-19 may remain in place for months.

Montreal Gazette
Courses at Montreal universities to be mainly online in September

Classes at McGill will be held mainly online this fall, the university announced Monday.

CTV News
uOttawa offers ‘distance-learning option’ for courses during fall term

As students begin to register for the fall semester, the University of Ottawa is offering “a distance-learning option” for courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Times Colonist
Classes at Island’s universities will be mostly online this fall

Many post-secondary students on Vancouver Island won’t be back on campus in September.

2 Quebec universities holding fall semester online

Two major universities in Quebec say they will hold most of their courses online this fall, as they try to balance health and safety concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic against the complexities of running a campus.

CKPG Today
UNBC says fall classes will be predominantly via alternative forms of delivery

In a COVD-19 update by the University of Northern B.C., Interim President Dr. Geoff Payne says that as we move forward with the provincial recovery plan, the post secondary is also moving forward, with the fall semester planned to be predominantly offered via alternative modes of delivery.

The Toronto Star
Almost a third of students have doubts about starting — or returning — to university this fall, survey finds

Almost one-third of post-secondary students say they have doubts about starting or returning to college or university this fall because of worries about their health and finances — but especially about online learning, according to a new survey to be released Tuesday.

The Globe and Mail
National Research Council strikes deal with China to develop COVID-19 vaccine in Canada

Canadian researchers are joining the effort to develop a Chinese vaccine against the deadly coronavirus, with plans to begin human trials in Canada of a potential defence against COVID-19 that employs genetic technology from the National Research Council.

Atlantic universities remain optimistic about fall semester

Universities across Atlantic Canada hope to resume normal operations this fall, but top administrators remain unsure what kind of restrictions will be in place come September.

International students face stress, uncertainty as pandemic threatens Manitoba study plans

Marie Paule Ehoussou from the Ivory Coast is out of a job and facing financial uncertainty like many international students who are riding out the pandemic in Manitoba.

Global News
University of Saskatchewan freezes tuition in 2020-21 for most programs

The University of Saskatchewan is freezing tuition for most programs for the 2020-21 academic year.

University of Winnipeg grappling with 3.7% budget cut: memo

The University of Winnipeg has informed its staff the Manitoba government is slashing millions of dollars from the school’s budget this year.

McMaster University to use lottery to decide fate of about 430 medical school applicants

McMaster University’s medical school is using a lottery system to determine the fate of some 430 applicants amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Saskatoon Star Phoenix
U of S medical students connecting with isolated seniors

After the COVID-19 pandemic brought her clinical rotations to an end, third-year medical student Madeline Parker missed being able to help take care of patients.

Global News
Queen’s University Archives collecting COVID-19 material for future research

Staff at the Queen’s University Archives are beginning to collect digital material relating to the COVID-19 pandemic as part of a collaborative effort to archive its impact on the campus and the Kingston community.

Global News
Coronavirus: Ontario Tech prof launches mental health studies during pandemic

Mental health has been an ongoing issue during this period of isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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