Global News
Quebec creates new program to entice nursing students to work in the field during pandemic
The Quebec government announced the creation of a scholarship program to encourage nursing students to join in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic.
The Toronto Star
Amid an uproar over cancelled tests, some say the body that oversees medical exams for resident doctors seeking licences is ‘obsolete’
A century-old organization oversees mandatory exams for Canadian resident doctors — tests plagued this year by late cancellations. The problems have led to critics calling the organization, a registered charity that holds $54 million in assets, an expensive and obsolete relic.
National Post
Families of downed Ukrainian Flight 752 victims struggle with loss a year later
A broken cellphone and a muddied wallet were the only possessions Alireza Ghandchi received from Iran after his wife and two children were killed in a Ukrainian plane crash last year.
UBC begins including ‘Dr.’ title in press releases following Wall Street Journal op-ed uproar
UBC has reversed its policy of not using the title Dr. when referring to faculty members in its press releases, following the controversial op-ed about Dr. Jill Biden that sparked debate among faculty members.
The Hill Times
At Canada’s universities, institutional racism more than a case of a few bad apples
Without comprehensive race-based data, equity policies within Canadian universities have limited impact in adequately addressing discrimination and racism.
The PIE News
Canada introduces negative Covid-19 test requirement
International students who come to Canada by plane will have to show a negative Covid-19 test before they can board flights according to new rules from the Canadian government.