Vancouver Sun
Credit agency warns big risk to Canadian schools, including UBC, if China pulls students
Moody’s notes Chinese students make up nearly two-thirds of the international student body at U of T, more than one-third at the UBC and almost one-fourth at McGill.
National Post
Concordia University defends handling of sexual misconduct complaint
Concordia University is defending the way it investigates sexual misconduct allegations against its faculty after a former student accused the school of mishandling her complaint.
Hill Times
Opinion: Canada’s economy needs workers with global learning experiences
Providing more internships abroad will invariably buttress Canada’s innovation ecosystem, Alejandro Adem writes.
Quebec wants to throw out 18,000 skilled-worker applications as part of immigration overhaul
In tabling Bill 9 Thursday, Quebec’s Immigration Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette said the goal of the proposed legislation is to start fresh with a more “personalized” policy that addresses the worker shortage.