Global News
B.C. provides $3.5 million in COVID-19 funds for post-secondary students
The province has announced a one-time $3.5-million investment in emergency assistance for students attending 25 public post-secondary institutions in B.C. under the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Toronto Star
Some Canadian medical residents are on the pandemic front lines now, but exams to become licensed doctors are in limbo
More than 2,500 Canadian staff specialist physicians have asked the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to fast-track the certification of final-year medical residents – many now working on pandemic front lines – or certify them en masse as an emergency measure during the COVID-19 crisis.
Global News
Students raise concerns over CERB qualifications: ‘I see it as a deliberate exclusion’
Kathleen O’Brien is completing her final year of studies with the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Her final exam is on April 17 and then she will officially graduate in May.
The Toronto Star
If the ‘real world’ wasn’t already scary for university graduates, you can bet it is now
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the job market has imploded. The unemployment rate – which was looking good at 5.6 per cent just last month – is predicted to rise by more than 13 per cent when the pandemic runs its course.
Global News
Queen’s University student diagnosed with COVID-19
A member of the “Queen’s community” has been diagnosed with COVID-19, according to a statement from Queen’s University principal Patrick Deane.
Winnipeg Free Press
Students suspicious of bill on tuition, fees
Student leaders are questioning the motive behind a bill that would grant the province more power in setting tuition guidelines and student fees.
Global News
University of Manitoba students can choose ‘pass/fail’ amid COVID-19
The University of Manitoba is giving students a pair of options if they’re unhappy with their grades for courses ending in April 2020, due to difficulties surrounding COVID-19.
UPEI takes student recruitment online as it navigates COVID-19 challenges
UPEI says its recruiting efforts will continue even as high school students are no longer attending in-person classes as a result of new health guidelines released by the province.
Edmonton Journal
MacEwan music program faces challenge of getting the notes out there
Every April the music program at MacEwan University gets particularly busy as student ensembles perform special concerts marking the end of the school year.
Regina Leader Post
U of S heads national research into health of Indigenous communities
With $5 million in funding, the University of Saskatchewan joins a national research initiative addressing health disparities facing Indigenous communities.
Global News
University of Manitoba fundraising campaign brings in $626 million
The University of Manitoba’s Front and Centre campaign has far exceeded expectations.
Student Immigration News
An international students’ guide to COVID-19 in Canada
Canada re-opened its borders to international students on March 26 but suggested students delay traveling here if possible.
Western University to produce 1,000 medical face shields for COVID-19 fight
Western University says it has designed a cheap, adjustable medical face shield that can be used by frontline healthcare workers in their fight against COVID-19.
Global News
UBC med students organize protective-gear donations for front-line COVID-19 workers
A group of medical students at the University of British Columbia is working to collect personal protective equipment for hospital staff and first responders on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.
North Delta Reporter
UFV student nurses offering respite to frontline nurses, care aides
Student nurses are offering up their time, and helping hands, to their future colleagues.