Much like the Ice Bucket Challenge or the Harlem Shake meme, 2016 was the year of the Mannequin Challenge: a viral trend that saw thousands of participants and videos with millions of views.
The Mannequin Challenge features a group of people frozen still in a specific setting, as the camera pans through the scene and music plays in the background. The trend began on Twitter, with users posting these videos with the hashtag #MannequinChallenge. This caused a social media firestorm – tons of popular celebrities caught on and created their own widely shared versions of the challenge.
Canada’s postsecondary schools also got on board, and some took to their YouTube accounts to show off their best Mannequin Challenge, and their sense of humour. Here’s a round up of those videos, featuring universities from coast to coast.
Western University
This Mannequin Challenge takes place in the Reading Room at Western’s archives. The scene they set is pretty realistic, and they put their own twist on the challenge by using different music than what is normally used (usually the song used is “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd).
Brock University
This is a really impressive Mannequin Challenge; they managed to get a ton of participants, all coordinated with Brock clothing in one of the school’s gymnasiums. It also features some impressive stunts, which couldn’t have been easy to hold.
This Mannequin Challenge has over 7,000 views on YouTube – far surpassing Brock and Western’s videos. In about 10 minutes, you see the Mannequin Challenge taking place all over campus.
Dalhousie University
Watch as students in CHMA 100, a first year Chemistry class at Dalhousie, provide their unique take on this humorous challenge.
Acadia University
Using the original song intended for the Mannequin Challenge, this high quality video depicts an everyday scene at Acadia’s bustling student hub on campus.
University of British Columbia
The Global Lounge at UBC turns their Mannequin Challenge into a promotional video, enticing students to come and hang out at their lounge, which features quiet study spots, engaging discussion, and… pillow fights?