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Episode 15 of Bibliotech: Online pseudonyms

Aliases aren't just for the infamous. Bibilotech podcast host Rochelle Mazar offers advice on separating the personal and the professional online.


Welcome to BiblioTech – the podcast about emerging technologies for academics. Your host is Rochelle Mazar, an emerging technologies librarian at the University of Toronto Mississauga.

Every month you can listen in as Rochelle talks about what’s new in technology and what academics should be paying attention to. It’s hard to keep up all of the new software, tools and gadgets. That’s where Rochelle comes in.

Episode 15 – Online pseudonyms

In this episode Rochelle takes you through the how and why of creating a pseudonym or online alias. (Running time: 10:06 mins).



If you’d like to get in touch with Rochelle about something you heard in the podcast, please
leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

This episode features the following Creative Commons music and sound effects:

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  1. Deborah Davidson / February 27, 2013 at 11:26

    Re: pseudonym or online alias

    Great podcast Rochelle! I emailed it to our Sociology Undergraduate Students’ Association Executives.