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Episode 10 of BiblioTech: Much ado about hardware

Dump that heavy old laptop and treat yourself to one of the many new hardware devices now on the market.


Welcome to BiblioTech – the podcast about emerging technologies for academics. Your host is Rochelle Mazar, an Emerging Technologies Librarian at the University of Toronto Mississauga.

Every month you can listen in as Rochelle talks about what’s new in technology and what academics should be paying attention to. It’s hard to keep up all of the new software, tools and gadgets. That’s where Rochelle comes in.

Episode 10 – Much ado about hardware

Whether you like it or not, your computer needs have changed over the last few years. You are now in the unique position to match hardware to your specific needs and wants. There is no need to carry around that 10-pound laptop when you go to conferences, or to be tethered to your desktop whenever you are in your school’s library.

In this episode Rochelle lets you know about the different hardware options available to you. And yes, she does include tablets and mobile devices. Come on, you’re ready to take the leap, right? (Running time: 12:23 mins).


If you’d like to get in touch with Rochelle about something you heard in the podcast, please
leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

This episode features the following Creative Commons music and sound effects:

  • How it begins (theme music) by Kevin MacLeod, Incomptech
  • Computer Rock – By Jeff Mallon, Music Alley
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  1. MKR / January 18, 2012 at 15:19

    Just wanted to say thanks for posting a transcript of the podcast. It drives me nuts when information I want is somewhere in the middle of an audio or video file because there’s no easy way to skim them. It took me much less than 12’23 mins to read the written version!

  2. Christine / February 1, 2012 at 23:17

    This podcast changed my life. My laptop is four years old and getting grumpy, so I thought it was time for a new one. After hearing this podcast I bought a tablet instead. I’ve had it for ten days, and I love it. I’m teaching from it, using it at meetings, got it synced to the uni’s server. I’m just using the laptop for big writing pieces; everything else is done on the tablet, including this comment. Thank you!