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Dean’s Podcast – Episode 10

An interview with Sunny Marche, associate dean of graduate studies at Dalhousie University


Welcome to the Dean’s Podcast – the podcast about issues shaping graduate studies in Canada.

In this episode, host Carolyn Watters, Dalhousie University dean of graduate studies, and 2009 Canadian Association of Graduate Studies president, talks to her colleague and blogging partner Sunny Marche, the associate dean of graduate studies at Dalhousie University and co-contributor to the Dean’s Blog. They spoke about the role that post-doctoral fellows play at Canadian universities, the benefits they provide on campus, and some of the challenges they are dealing with.
(Running time: 26:08 mins).


If you’d like to get in touch with Carolyn about something you heard in the podcast, click here to e-mail her. Or, you can leave a comment in the forum below.

You can follow Carolyn and her colleagues, associate deans Sunny Marche and Dieter Pelzer,  at the Deans’ Blog, an intelligent and illuminating weekly take on issues affecting graduate students, post docs, and their supervisors at Dalhousie.

Theme music for the Dean’s Podcast by Derek K. Miller.

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