In my opinion
But some issues need to be approached tactfully and professionally.
Respondents also offer suggestions on how their institutions could better aid their transition into the workforce.
But, leveraging that talent requires a strategy and investment.
We have the necessary means if we re-allocate it to those truly in need.
Conference at Carleton U in May follows up on inaugural McGill gathering last year.
Sometimes getting the right people in the room makes all the difference. That was the idea behind a roundtable on Feb. 11 at the Canadian Embassy in Washington. Universities Canada and the Canada Foundation for Innovation co-convened the meeting of research agency leaders from Canada, the U.S. and Europe to talk about ramping up international […]
Universities often ignore a varied and rich Black intellectual tradition.
Partnership with indigenous scholars and their communities is a key part of moving forward, says SSHRC president.
My department has been successful at striving for equal overall gender representation, but we remain primarily Caucasian.
The copyists range from a Grade 4 English teacher to an academic at a highly regarded university.
Costs and benefits of cuts must be weighed accordingly.
There are ways to have technology serve the teacher’s goals.
As a lifelong liberal (please note the lower case “l” – this is not a partisan polemic), I thought I would never have cause to say this: Margaret Thatcher was right. I disagreed with almost all of her policies when she was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and in 1988 I was quite concerned […]
Affordable high-quality animations may mark the death of stodgy PowerPoint presentations.
Despite some concerns, a liberal arts degree is still the best preparation for a rewarding career.
Abraham Lincoln said the best way to predict your future is to create it. I have found this creative spirit ingrained in the people I meet every day across our great shared continent. Canadians and Americans believe that we, as individuals and as a community, have the ability and the obligation to leave things better […]
I work in an interdisciplinary way, but I find that I am still sitting on the fence.
Exchange students often find coming home the toughest part.
Stories of six unfinished mandates raise concerns about governance.
To know why fewer women choose math and science, you need to know the principle of occupational choice.