Wilfrid Laurier University has appointed Heidi Northwood to a two-year term as senior executive officer: global strategy. Ms. Northwood, who previously served as senior executive officer of WLU’s Brantford campus, will lead the university’s internationalization strategy, which aims to strengthen the institution’s global reputation, build international partnerships, and increase opportunities for international exchange and recruitment. Ms. Northwood joined WLU in 2014 as dean of the faculty of liberal arts.
OCAD University has appointed Jaime Watt to a four-year term as vice chancellor, which began on Jan. 1, 2022. Mr. Watt is the executive chairman of Toronto-based public strategy and communications firm Navigator. A long-time advocate for the arts and human rights, Mr. Watt serves on the board of the University Health Network and chairs the Literary Review of Canada. Mr. Watt is an adjunct faculty member of the Directors Education Program and is a regular public affairs commentator in Canadian media.
Brenda Hogan, chief investment officer with the Ontario Capital Growth Corporation (OCGC), has been elected chair of OCAD University’s board of governors. She will serve a one-year term which began on Dec. 6, 2021. Ms. Hogan has held senior positions in corporate development, finance, and strategic investing, and currently serves as co-chair of Canadian Women in Private Equity (CWPE). Ms. Hogan earned an MBA in finance from Dalhousie University.