University Affairs won a gold and a silver, and six honourable mentions, at the Kenneth R. Wilson Awards for excellence in business publishing on June 4 in Toronto. Adding to those honours, on June 7, University Affairs editor Peggy Berkowitz was named Editor of the Year by the Professional Writers Association of Canada. Ms. Berkowitz was chosen by a panel of judges for being an “editor who stands out, is great to work with, and cares about their relationship with writers.”
Capping off the week, University Affairs won an honourable mention at the National Magazine Awards, held in Toronto on the evening of June 7. Writer Moira Farr was nominated in the service journalism category, health and family, for her article, “Confronting Asperger’s in the classroom,” which was published in the February 2012 issue.
For the KRW Awards, the magazine won the gold medal in the category of best design of a feature, for the article, “In praise of literature“, in the December 2012 issue. The award was presented to the magazine’s design firm, Toronto-based Underline Studio.
University Affairs was also awarded a silver medal for best news coverage, for the article, “All about MOOCs“, by our regular correspondent Rosanna Tamburri, also in the December 2012 issue. The article is one of the most read on the University Affairs website over the past six months. Ms Tamburri was interviewed about her experience taking a massive open online course for a Reporter’s Notebook podcast, which can be heard on our website.
University Affairs congratulates the winners.