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Media Scan

Headlines for March 21, 2017

BY ANQI SHEN | MAR 21 2017

Globe and Mail
Study shows the power of entrepreneurship training programs for women, minorities

Entrepreneurship programs have a more profound benefit for women and minorities than Caucasian men, according to research by Laurina Zhang at Western’s Ivey Business School.

Ottawa Citizen
Opinion: What researchers should do about those fake science journals

We’ve just published the results of our investigation and suggest several “red flags” that researchers can look for, write David Moher and Larissa Shamseer.

Global News
Manitoba university, college tuition could go up 5 percent, plus rate of inflation

The change allows Manitoba universities to set tuition fees “that better reflect the cost of delivering programs,” according to Education Minister Ian Wishart.

Gender-based violence report urges mandatory training for judges, RCMP

A Status of Women committee report looks at sex assault and harassment – and how the justice system responds.

Why so many Canadian universities know so little about their own racial diversity

Experts say race-based data is key to supporting students and addressing inequality.

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