Lakehead University presents draft sustainability plan to students
The proposals range from increasing plant-based food offerings to protecting endangered species on campus.
Windsor Star
University of Windsor launches investigation over ‘incident’ that left woman in critical condition
The U of Windsor is conducting a “full internal investigation” after a 34-year-old woman was left in critical condition Tuesday with severe burns in what the school is describing as an “incident” on campus.
Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Alberta spends $50 million to boost enrolment in technical education
The Alberta government will spend $50 million over the next five years to get more postsecondary students into the technology field.
Manitoba hopes to save $3M by pulling universal health care for international students
Some say the move could deter potential scholars from pursuing higher education in Manitoba.
Global News
Should Quebec end medical school quotas and hire more doctors?
A new study indicates the province doesn’t have enough doctors and should loosen its control over medical school admissions.
Globe and Mail
University of Alberta’s online identity co-opted by fictitious U.S. school
A fictitious online university in California has stolen the identity of the University of Alberta and claims that Justin Trudeau is its president.
Ottawa Citizen
Striking support staff take Carleton fight to labour board
The union representing striking Carleton University support staff has filed a complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board over what it calls unfair labour practices.
CTV News
York U is ‘needlessly prolonging’ labour dispute, union claims
In a letter to York University president Rhonda Lenton on Tuesday, CUPE 3903 chairperson Devin Lefebvre says that the union “cannot, and will not, continue to bargain with ourselves.”