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Media Scan

Headlines for March 14, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | MAR 14 2018

Dalhousie University ordered to pay ex-student nearly $50K

A former doctoral student at Dalhousie University has won a judgment worth nearly $50,000 against the university for breach of contract.

Bare shelves at University of Windsor food bank causing empty bellies

Chickpeas, vegetarian pasta sauce, peanut butter and canned tomatoes are in especially short supply

Lakehead University to pay professor dismissed from job in 2013

The arbitrator ruled that a five-day suspension was justified, but the dismissal of him from his role, as a tenured professor in the history department, was not.

‘If you don’t step up, sit down’: open letter criticizes undergrads for not running for student council

An outgoing student government member at the University of Northern British Columbia is frustrated students seem willing to protest decisions they disagree with, but not help make them.

Global News
Post-Budget: How Manitoba tuition fees stack up next to other provinces

Universities and colleges in Manitoba won’t be getting as much funding from the province in this year’s budget. And they may turn to students to help fill the gap.

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