Opinion: Why Canadian scientists aren’t happy
The Liberal government’s latest science policy is a backwards factory for producing white elephants, Paul Wells writes.
Globe and Mail
University students largely spared from U.S. immigration ban
A U.S. Supreme Court decision exempting students and faculty from an immigration ban will not put an end to uncertainty or the increased interest in Canadian universities, experts say.
Toronto Star
York study takes on ‘controversy’ over honey bee declines and pesticide use
The link between a widely-used class of pesticides and negative health effects for honey bees is now “very clear,” according to the lead researcher in major new study.
National Post
Opinion: Facile ‘Canada 150’ celebration deserves to be disrupted
The official sesquicentennial celebrations are like a Molson commercial gone to seed. Of course indigenous activists are going to object, Chris Selley writes.
‘Best intentions’ not enough to fix inclusive education, says commission
An interim report on special education in Nova Scotia calls for complete redesign of the system.
Windsor Star
University files for conciliation in contract talks with faculty association
In a statement released Thursday, the faculty association said conciliation isn’t needed at this time as negotiations haven’t reached an impasse.
Arctic research lab to be mothballed as federal grant expires, Dal physicist says
A Dalhousie University researcher laments lack of consistent funding from federal government.