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Media Scan

Headlines for June 13, 2017

BY ANQI SHEN | JUN 13 2017

Hazardous conditions caused by climate change put U of M Arctic research study on ice

An Arctic climate change study has been cancelled because warming temperatures have filled the sea off northern Newfoundland with hazardous ice.

Edmonton Journal
University of Alberta student’s social media campaign gets mayors around the globe on board

Jeremiah Ellis pitched his anti-Islamophobia campaign to Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson on the street in April 2016.

Toronto Star
Opinion: It’s time to recognize First Nations as founders of Canada

If Canadians want to begin a new relationship with Indigenous people, recognizing them as founders is the ultimate expression of that desire, writes Atkinson fellow Gillian Steward.

Waterloo Region Record
A future without jobs is looming

As jobs shrink, and competition for them gets more fierce, students will have to focus, writes Luisa D’Amato, on a talk given by Ken Coates at Conestoga College.

Globe and Mail
Ottawa tightens screws on R&D incentive program

SR&ED enables companies to earn investment tax credits on qualified expenditures either in the form of a cash refund, a reduction in taxes paid, or both.

Ottawa Citizen
Sign of the times: Crowdfunding for scientific research

Labfundr, as the platform is called, is a sign of the times for science funding in Canada.

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