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Media Scan

Headlines for Jan. 8, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | JAN 08 2018

National Post
University of Calgary says judge has apologized for comments to students

CBC News reported Justice Kristine Eidsvik told a class that she was uncomfortable walking into a room “full of big dark people.”

Prince George Citizen
UNBC names inaugural aboriginal scholar in residence

A University of Calgary researcher and professor will serve as the aboriginal scholar in residence at UNBC for a four-month term

Times Higher Education
Opinion: Global university collaboration is key to fighting nationalism

Universities have a big role to play in counteracting the nationalist sentiment emerging around the world, Amit Chakma says ahead of 2018 Asia Universities Summit

Ottawa Citizen
Predatory journal has firm grip on universities in Ottawa and Canada

The Ottawa Citizen found hundreds of Canadian scientists publishing recently with OMICS International of India — the same company that accepted the newspaper’s analysis of how pigs fly.

Globe and Mail
Opinion: Are universities’ economics departments getting left behind?

“While interest on resolving unemployment, inequality and secular stagnation is growing, economics departments are moving further and further away from teaching relevant economic theories,” write Louis-Philippe Rochon and Guillaume Vallet.

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