Ottawa Citizen
Poll suggests Canadian trust in science falling, scientists thought ‘elitist’
A survey suggests that the trust Canadians place in science may be eroding.
CBC – Quirks & Quarks
Glass obstacle course: Why so few women hold top STEM spots
Female scientists encounter informal and formal barriers at every turn in their careers.
The Province
Michelle Stack: Ignore university rankings, but make higher education an election issue
OPINION: Most university rankings are business products and many are media-generated. What global university rankings implicitly reproduce is a belief that wealthy, inequitable institutions should be replicated.
University World News
How should universities deal with their racist past?
In 1918, even before the guns on the Western Front fell silent, reacting to both the Flexner Report of 1910 on medical education in the United States and Canada and the demands from the veterans of the trenches, Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, expelled Ethelbert Bartholomew and six other medical students.