‘We need universities to get political now’: Students slam UBC’s plan to stay open during climate strikes
The University of British Columbia’s president says its Vancouver campus will remain open when thousands of students across Metro Vancouver are expected to join global climate strike rallies later this month.
National Post
Some Canadian schools, colleges move to accommodate climate strikes
Students in Canada are expected to participate in climate demonstrations beginning this Friday, and some school boards are moving to allow — even encourage — them to miss class for the cause.
University World News
Africans are most likely to be denied study visas – Report
Three quarters of African students who applied for enrolment in Canadian universities in the first five months of 2019 were rejected, according to data from Canadian migration authorities.
Global News
Brian Mulroney opens university institute in N.S. that bears his name
Former prime minister Brian Mulroney officially opened an institute of government named after him at St. Francis Xavier University in central Nova Scotia on Wednesday.