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Media Scan

Headlines for Sept. 14, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | SEP 14 2018

MUN president Gary Kachanoski to finish term early

The president of Memorial University of Newfoundland will be stepping down from the top job early, in December 2019, the university announced Thursday.

Global News
UBC researchers develop wearable ultrasound device the size of a Band-Aid

A made-in-B.C. technological breakthrough has the promise of providing easy and cheap access to ultrasound scans.

Calgary Herald
Provincial university tuition and fee guidelines coming this fall

Legislation governing Alberta post-secondary tuition will be tabled this fall, following a review launched close to two years ago.

Opinion: Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free

Those who take on the global industry that traps research behind paywalls are heroes, not thieves, writes George Monbiot.

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