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Headlines for October 29, 2024


CTV News
Faculty anxiety grows as University of Windsor faces budget deficit
The University of Windsor vice president of finance, Gillian Heisz, projects a worsening budget deficit by fall 2025 to upwards of $30 million, causing faculty to become concerned as talk of cuts emerge.

The Record
WLU students help Afghan women get university educations
The International Students Overcoming War group at Wilfrid Laurier University has brought 43 students from nine war-torn countries to the university with full scholarships.

The Logic
Tories have huge lead in economic trust especially among young Canadians
According to an Abacus poll on voting Canadians as the federal election nears, 40 per cent of respondents ages 18 to 29 said they trust Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party with the economy the most.

Toronto Star
Nobel winner Geoffrey Hinton has donated half of winnings to Indigenous water charity
Artificial Intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton donated half of his award winnings to Water First, an organization training communities in how to develop and provide access to safe water systems.

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