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Headlines for Oct. 9, 2018


Globe and Mail
New course at University of Toronto studies Trump’s presidency as it happens

There’s a malleable syllabus in Sam Tanenhaus’s new class at the University of Toronto, because its subject matter develops too rapidly for an unbreakable plan.

Financial Post
Opinion: Ignore the naysayers. The new USMCA deal is great for Canadian innovators

Critics of the new IP rules seem to think Canada is a technology backwater incapable of fully securing its rightful place in the world trading order.

The Record
Fraudsters use bogus University of Waterloo acceptance letters to enter Canada

Investigators say there’s a cottage industry producing fraudulent university documents in some foreign countries.

CBC Radio
Donna Strickland, Canada’s latest Nobel winner, is a ‘laser jock’ who loves the lab

Donna Strickland, a laser researcher from the University of Waterloo, is a 2018 laureate.

Globe and Mail
Competition for great tech talent has become ‘intense,’ Axonify CEO says

As firms like Amazon, Uber and Terminal move north, successful Canadian companies rise above the hiring pressures by offering offering unique incentives to make employees feel appreciated.

The Chronicle Herald
Ontario student leaves N.S. university after alleged rapist returns to campus

Although St. F.X. swiftly launched an investigation after she came forward and found the accused responsible, it quietly set aside its decision to suspend him for the next academic year — without notifying her.

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