Windsor Star
Coroner orders inquest into death of 20-year-old Windsor native, Carleton University student
The coroner’s office has ordered an inquest into the death of Jason Renato Simon, a Carleton University student and Canadian reservist who took his own life in February 2016.
Globe and Mail
York University will push ahead with Markham campus despite funding cancellation
Following an emergency meeting Friday, York and its partners issued a statement saying they remain “steadfast in their commitment to seeing this project through to a successful completion.”
How the longest Canadian university strike in history changed life at York
The university’s picket lines may have disappeared, but the animosity on campus shows no signs of fading away.
Ottawa Citizen
Queen’s U grad student admits poisoning fellow researcher
A 26-year-old graduate student, who until late January was working as a researcher in Queen’s U’s chemistry department, admitted in court to dosing a fellow researcher with a dangerous chemical.
Globe and Mail
Opinion: Doug Ford was right to cancel funding for new Ontario university campuses
“If the Ontario government wants to keep the province’s current institutions healthy, it needs to make them a priority, not spend limited resources on brand-new projects,” writes Trent U president Leo Groarke.