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Media Scan

Headlines for Oct. 24, 2019


Toronto Star
Ottawa urged to ease pathway to immigration for international students

The federal government should make it easier for international students to stay in Canada — essentially cutting the red tape and rolling out the red carpet.

Edmonton Journal
2019 Alberta budget will have 2.8 per cent spending cut, programs eliminated

Clues about what’s to come in Thursday’s budget may be found in a blue-ribbon panel report released in September that studied Alberta’s spending.

Opening an eye to Indigenous knowledge in forestry education

The University of New Brunswick is looking to add Indigenous knowledge to its forestry and environmental management curriculum and research.

London Free Press
Manitoba premier creates two new ministers as he shuffles cabinet

Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen will remain in charge of kindergarten to Grade 12 students, but post-secondary education and training has become the responsibility of Ralph Eichler, who is the minister of the new Department of Economic Development and Training.

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