Globe and Mail
UBC ordered to pay author Steven Galloway for breaching confidentiality terms
The University of British Columbia has been ordered to pay $60,000 for breaching confidentiality terms after an arbitrator concluded the school violated the former professor’s privacy rights and damaged his reputation when it suspended and then fired him two years ago.
The Hill Times
Opinion: Time for action on neglected Naylor report advice
Attention to how taxpayers’ funds are spent is just as important as how much is spent.
National Post
Protest planned against McGill Redmen name for athletics
“It makes me question my place in the university,” says rowing team member Tomas Jirousek.
Globe and Mail
Opinion: Teaching students to fail forward is critical to disrupting higher education
Failure is a cornerstone of learning, experiencing failure makes students more resilient and more likely to pivot and succeed in an ever-evolving job market.
Edmonton Journal
‘Where the human meets further proof of the divine’: Aga Khan officially opens Islamic garden
A decade ago, plans for construction of the world’s northernmost Islamic garden located southwest of Edmonton seemed an unlikely dream, the Aga Khan told a crowd that gathered Tuesday to celebrate the opening of a $25-million garden he gifted to the University of Alberta.