CTV News
New podcast for students offers tips and advice on applying for higher education
Application season is officially open for universities.
Study Travel Magazine
Canadian sector outlines impact of policy changes, calls for government engagement
Almost nine in ten international education professionals in Canada said that the country’s recent policies have negatively affected their programmes and operations, according to a new survey by IDP Education, which also shows institutions calling for greater collaboration with government.
CBC News Calgary
Foreign worker cuts could improve youth unemployment rate, says Alberta jobs minister
Alberta’s minister of jobs, economy and trade says efforts to limit immigration levels to Canada could help lower the province’s high youth unemployment rate.
The Globe and Mail
Productivity, productivity: Why Canada keeps talking about it but sees no results
With a cost-of-living crisis gripping Canadians, interest in Canada’s productivity has suddenly seized policy makers, commentators and the pundit class alike.
University World News
Universities brace for more fallout after immigration U-turn
Nineteen months ago, Canada exalted in its population passing the 40 million mark. Last Thursday morning, 25 October, standing in front of a bank of Canadian flags and flanked by a number of his ministers, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, addressed his government’s volte face on the country’s wide open immigration policies and a-million-international-student-visas-a-year policy.