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Headlines for Nov. 7, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | NOV 07 2018

‘We shouldn’t be forced to move to certain areas of the classroom’: U of M Indigenous students

Jack Theis, a student from Dallas, Texas, says racism existed at the University of Manitoba long before posters that said “It’s okay to be white” were put up on campus.
MSVU faculty union votes overwhelmingly in favour of strike action

The union represents all full-time faculty, laboratory instructors and librarians at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Report on Business
Living ‘in the middle of nowhere’ is no obstacle for online students

A growing number of Canadian students who are not only taking advantage of the flexibility of online education but also using it to dramatically open up their living options.

Times Higher Education
Canadian university takes own researchers to court in IP battle

The case may show that Canada needs a broader strategy to become an innovation powerhouse.

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