Saskatoon StarPhoenix
U of S, Sask. Polytechnic team up with Canadian Space Agency to send satellite into orbit
Thanks to a $200,000 grant from the CSA, a small cube satellite — designed, built and operated by Saskatchewan students — will take orbit around the Earth in 2021.
N.B. university, college students collaborate to launch cube satellite into space
A collaboration between three post-secondary schools across New Brunswick will help launch the province’s first satellite into space.
Carleton University faculty union prepares for lockout
The union says it’s preparing for a possible lockout after the school’s administration requested a provincial conciliator last week to aid bargaining talks.
Globe and Mail
Opinion: Is Canada really facing a brain drain?
A better title of a recent report would have been something like “top young tech talent from top Canadian universities gets recruited by top American tech firms,” Alex Usher writes.
Indigenous leaders call on Lakehead University to rescind appointment of interim law dean
“It is somewhat of an insult to us that this judge who put our leadership in jail for defending their land is now the interim dean,” said Derek Fox, Deputy Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation.
University prof wants confidentiality agreements eliminated on campus
The agreements, which some employers have used to protect the details of financial settlements with individuals who’ve made claims of harassment or misconduct, were cast into the spotlight by the #MeToo movement.
Laurier pilots digital therapy app to help students with mental health issues
The pilot will show whether students continue to use the digital help and whether the university will invest in the phone application service.