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Headlines for May 31, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | MAY 31 2018

Toronto Star
This professor wants to see more Indigenous knowledge in chemistry education

A group of chemists and Indigenous leaders have their “ion” reconciliation.

Review proposes transforming Aurora College into polytechnic university

A highly anticipated review of Aurora College begun last year has now been released, and it recommends Aurora College be transformed into a Northern Canada polytechnic university.

Saskatoon StarPhoenix
U of R’s Demers hopes higher learning in prisons catches on in Saskatchewan

People left a Congress 2018 session feeling “inspired” and “hopeful” about offering post-secondary education in prisons and jails.

Oldest lizard fossil fills evolutionary ‘missing link’

An analysis of Megachirella wachtleri identifies the tiny creature as the closest thing we know to the ancestor of all lizards and snakes, says Tiago Simoes, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alberta.

Ryerson puts spotlight on rampant mental health challenges facing entrepreneurs

DMZ, a business incubator at Ryerson University is trying to tackle rampant mental health issues in the entrepreneurial and technology sectors.

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