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Headlines for June 6, 2022


Government of Canada announces new CanCode investment

Partnership with Grandir Sans Frontières will see more than 8,000 training opportunities provided to Canadian students and their teachers to learn digital skills.

CTV News
Quebec passes controversial bill to protect academic freedom

Elected officials in Quebec have passed Bill 32 on Friday to better protect academic freedom in the university environment.

Toronto Star
U of T Law is denying access to virtual classes, disabled students say — despite COVID-era shift to online learning

One student filed a human rights complaint, saying she was refused access to Zoom links when she was unable to go to class due to her disability.

UPEI denies allegations in climate change centre civil matter

The University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) is denying allegations made in a civil action filed by a construction group claiming that outstanding money is owed as a result of work done to build the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation in St. Peter’s Bay.

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