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Headlines for July 7, 2021


The Globe and Mail
McMaster team closes in on cause of rare AstraZeneca-related blood clots

Canadian researchers have established the most definitive link yet between the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and a rare blood clotting syndrome that shattered public confidence in the vaccine earlier this year.

The PIE News
Canada: returning students boost population size

The return of international students has resulted in Canada’s population growing at its fastest rate since the pandemic began, a new report by RBC Economics has found.

CTV News
U of G launches LGBTQ+ inclusivity training program to create ‘an environment that is welcoming’

The University of Guelph has created a new “positive space” training program for students, staff and faculty to foster a more inclusive environment for the LGBTQ2SIA+ community on campus.

Push to vaccinate Quebecers 18-29 is on, as normal return to higher education hangs in the balance

Vaccination rate trailing as post-secondary institutions eye crucial 75% target.

CTV News
‘Huge therapeutic potential’: University of Sask. researchers make progress on stroke treatment

A drug typically used to treat schizophrenia is showing positive signs during early stages of research, bringing down stroke-related swelling in the brain.

CTV News
Well-being of Canadian military personnel supported by new research program

New research into the mental health effects of exposure to child soldiers is underway at Dalhousie University.

National Post
‘It’s embarrassing’: China’s tightening grip on the intellectual property landscape in Canada

The top 10 patent applicants in Canada last year were foreign companies doubling down on science and technology.

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