Global News
Students are taking a gap year because of COVID-19: ‘It won’t be a normal first year’
The novel coronavirus has changed nearly every aspect of daily life in Canada — and now, it’s the reason a whole cohort of students have decided to put their studies on pause and take a gap year.
NSCAD prof says firing president an ‘attack’ on anti-racism
A NSCAD professor hired to run a pioneering research centre on slavery says the university’s decision to remove president Aoife Mac Namara is an attack on “anti-racist principles” and that she should be rehired.
UBC quietly changes references to Taiwan amid sensitive political climate
UBC has quietly made a significant change in the way it refers to Taiwan in its annual enrolment report.
The Hamilton Spectator
Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute terminated by McMaster University
McMaster University is terminating a high-profile research institute that investigates novel stem cell and cancer therapies.
National Post
WE Charity pulls out of $912-million contract with Trudeau government
WE Charity has pulled out of its agreement with the Trudeau government to manage a $912-million student volunteer grant contract after a week of controversy.
Toronto Sun
GOLDSTEIN: Paying students to ‘volunteer’ a bad idea from the start
Now that the We Charity has withdrawn from administering the Trudeau government’s Canada Student Service Grant, the question is why was the program created at all?
Petition calling on UTM to mandate masks for staff, students currently working in university
A graduate student at the University of Toronto Mississauga campus (UTM) has launched a petition calling on the school to take stronger measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
U of R professor receives nearly $1M for COVID-19 treatment research
When the pandemic hit Saskatchewan in March, biochemist Mohan Babu set aside all the other research projects he had on the go to focus exclusively on COVID-19 research.
The Chronicle Herald
Student accomodations industry preparing for ‘negative effect’ online university classes will have this fall
Halifax has long been a university town, with fresh-eyed new students travelling from around the world every year to undertake the next step in their education at one of the many college campuses here.
The Toronto Star
Remember the pandemic? Canadian museums and art historians are working on how to do that
When the Museum of Vancouver closed in March, the acquisitions team was already thinking deep into the future, strategizing how they’d preserve this pandemic in time.
Kingston Whig Standard
Laurentian sets out return-to-campus plan
There won’t be a rush back to campus this fall, but Laurentian University is taking steps, bit by bit, to allow students, staff and faculty increased access and use of campus facilities, using a three-phase approach.