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Media Scan

Headlines for July 5, 2019


National Post
Opinion: Canadian universities have a viewpoint diversity problem. We should all be worried
How can we trust scholarship to give us useful answers if there isn’t genuine intellectual debate, asks Trent University history professor.

London Free Press
Western plans launch of space exploration research institute
Western University is shooting for the stars with plans to one day lead missions to space, according to a recent report.
McMaster President Patrick Deane gives his final convocation to this year’s graduating class
As one phase of your life ends, another begins, says the outgoing president.
Opinion: Why we must stand up for education
Efforts by the provincial government to hobble postsecondary education may save in the short term, but in the end they hurt Ontarians.

CBC Edmonton
Bugs 101: free online U of A course teaches why insects matter
The University of Alberta has just launched Bugs 101, a free online entomology course available to anyone anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

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