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Headlines for Jan. 15, 2021


CTV News
International students frustrated by federal work limits during pandemic

Pooria Behrouzy was honoured to be offered a full-time job as a COVID-19 vaccine support worker at Trillium Health Partners last month.

Peterborough Examiner
Trent University plans full return to in-person classes for 2021-22

Trent University is planning to return to in-person classes for all students for its fall 2021 and winter 2022 winter semesters at both its Peterborough and Oshawa campuses.

Windsor Star
U of Windsor offers on-campus COVID testing for incoming students

The University of Windsor is offering an on-campus COVID-19 testing clinic Friday and Saturday for incoming international students and students arriving for campus residence.

North Bay Nugget
Provincial emergency delays on-campus classes at Nipissing

The University of Windsor is offering an on-campus COVID-19 testing clinic Friday and The return to on-campus classes at Nipissing University is not expected to begin until at least after students’ reading week.

Canadian professor gaining recognition for role in discovering insulin 100 years ago

In 1923, scientists Frederick Banting and John Macleod were jointly awarded a Nobel Prize — Canada’s first — for discovering insulin.

The Hamilton Spectator
McMaster research team to lead cross-country COVID-19 network

Research about COVID-19 is expanding almost as fast as the virus itself and can make things confusing for researchers and policy-makers trying to keep up with the best available evidence.

National Post
Parks closed, tickets for partying as Kingston deals with returning students

Massive crowds and parties in an eastern Ontario university town have drawn criticisms from local residents and formal calls for greater co-operation to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Peterborough Examiner
COVID-19 case at Trent University in Peterborough

A member of the Trent University community in Peterborough has tested positive for COVID-19, the university reported Thursday.

Calgary Herald
U of C research projects aim to aid staff, residents at long-term care facilities devastated by COVID-19

Two research projects underway at the University of Calgary hope to improve life for workers and residents of the city’s long-term care sites.

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