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Media Scan

Headlines for Dec. 12, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | DEC 12 2018

Dalhousie panel on slavery recommends apology, but no name change

Chair Afua Cooper said the panellists had “extensive discussions” about whether to suggest a name change, but ultimately decided against it.

Canadian physicist who won Nobel Prize touts science for the sake of science

Winning a Nobel Prize changed nearly everything about Donna Strickland’s professional life except the principles that helped shape it in the first place.

The Telegram
Aging Research Centre established at Memorial U’s Grenfell campus

It’s been over 10 years since Les Cake started researching the need for and what it would take to establish a centre for aging research in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Regina Leader-Post
Canada’s deeper dive into the oceans aims to tap industry’s uncharted frontier

With world’s longest coast, Canada’s ocean industry is among the smallest in the world — a supercluster might help.

Chronicle Herald
Mount Saint Vincent students’ union sides with faculty

MSVU’s students’ union is siding with the faculty association as a strike deadline looms.

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