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Headlines for Dec. 11, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | DEC 11 2018
Canada’s Donna Strickland, UWaterloo prof, collects Nobel Prize for Physics

A Canadian scientist who became one of just three women to win the Nobel Prize for Physics received her award at a formal ceremony in Sweden on Monday.

Globe and Mail
Thomson Rivers University economics professor Derek Pyne returns to post after suspension

A professor who was suspended after writing about colleagues who published work in low-quality academic journals will be allowed to return to teaching at Thomson Rivers University in January.

Winnipeg Free Press
U of M professor placed on leave after misconduct allegations come to light

The U of M is investigating claims outlined in a Free Press report Saturday that detailed various allegations against Peter Jones, founding director of the Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.

Inside Higher Ed
Rise of the science Ph.D. dropout

The “half-life” of academic scientists has shortened dramatically over time, says a new paper calling attention to the “rise of the temporary workforce.”

Is Canada’s space program slipping out of orbit?

Recent feel-good news masks shrinking budgets and a funding approach that researchers say discourages ‘science for science’s sake’

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