Ottawa Citizen
University of Ottawa to open on-campus COVID-19 testing centre
The University of Ottawa said it expects to open its own COVID-19 testing centre to serve returning students and other members of its on-campus community.
UW math course for kids gets 10M pageviews this school year, largely during pandemic
Online math lessons for kids and teens developed by the University of Waterloo saw a 200 per cent uptake in student engagement this past school year, especially during the early months of the pandemic.
Global News
Doug Ford urges university students not to party, cites the U.S. as a ‘terrible example’
Ontario Premier Doug Ford urged university students not to party when they return or begin postsecondary education, saying once the pandemic is over “you can party after.”
New Brunswick universities make masks mandatory
Universities across the province are requiring the use of non-medical masks as campuses reopen for the fall semester.
Small Nova Scotia university towns grapple with big COVID-19 concerns
Nova Scotia’s measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are about to be tested by an influx of university students from outside the Atlantic bubble.
MAX 104.9
N.S. sees increase in COVID-19 testing as post-secondary students arrive; no new cases reported
Nova Scotia reported no new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, despite having tested more than 700 people on Wednesday.
Halifax Today
Province forgives around $8 million in Nova Scotia student loans
More than 1,000 university graduates are receiving help this year from the Nova Scotia Loan Forgiveness Program.
CTV News
Not the year for keg parties: Watson urges post-secondary students to act responsibly
Mayor Jim Watson is urging university and college students to behave responsibly as they return to Ottawa for the new school year, warning social gatherings could act as a “petri dish” to spread COVID-19.
UPEI Student Union asking Ottawa to extend suspension of student loan repayment
The UPEI Student Union says post-secondary students will face financial issues if the federal government does not extend its suspension of the payment of student loan debt and interest.
North Delta Reporter
Fraser Valley universities talk September school start
Elementary and secondary schools in Langley will be filled with the sounds of students walking the halls in September, but that won’t be the case for universities in the community.
The Hamilton Spectator
Math, WiFi and no social life: The harsh realities of starting university in a pandemic
Every aspect of the fall 2020 semester will be a serious challenge to universities across Canada.
Edmonton Journal
International post-secondary students now eligible for city’s low-income transit program after pushback
International students at Edmonton’s post-secondary schools are now eligible for the low-income transit program after the city reversed its decision from last week.
Brandon Sun
BU unveils pandemic response system
Brandon University released its fall plan late Thursday afternoon, including its own colour-coded pandemic response system.
Windsor Star
Study will track employees’ return to work as COVID restrictions ease
A group of academic and industry partners is planning to track 1,500 employees at several local biotech companies and university research labs as they return to their offices in the coming weeks and months.
Global News
N.B. university students call for on-campus polling stations
University students across New Brunswick are calling out Elections NB for not providing polling stations on campuses for the 2020 provincial election.