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Headlines for April 9, 2019


National Post
From bionic arms to predicting patient surges in ER, AI is reshaping patient care

The team at University of Alberta’s Bionic Limbs for Improved Natural Control (BLINC) lab is developing an artificial arm using AI and machine learning aimed at trying to blur the lines between the person who “needs assistive technology and the assistive technology itself.”

Regina Leader-Post
Two teepees slashed in front of First Nations University of Canada

The two vandalized teepees are part of an art installation titled kêhtê-ayak that opened in September, located in a circle on the lawn of First Nations University, with each teepee looking at a different theme or story.

Teepee going up at UNB to honour Indigenous language teachers

At a language revival gathering in Fredericton this past weekend, visitors were encouraged to jot down names of those who taught them to speak their Indigenous language.

Globe and Mail
Morneau tables budget bill, includes provision aimed at reducing refugee claims

Tucked into the bill is a provision that would prevent anyone who has made a refugee claim in certain other countries from making another claim in Canada.

Globe and Mail
Wilbert Keon, trailblazing heart surgeon, doctor and senator, dies

Dr. Wilbert Keon founded the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and in 1986 performed Canada’s first artificial-heart implantation, which was revolutionary for the time.

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