CTV News
Largest education investment in Sask. history leans on property tax increase in 2021-22 budget
The 2021-22 provincial budget includes Saskatchewan’s largest education investment in history, with $2.66 billion to support Prekindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms early learning and child care, and libraries and literacy. It’s an increase of $59.6 million from 2020-21.
CTV News
Ryerson University releases report card on student diversity. Which faculties pass, which receive a failing grade and how the school plans to improve
Ryerson University graded its programs on student diversity and most faculties are skating by with Cs.
The Globe and Mail
Canadian, U.S. and Danish scientists win Gairdner prize for key discovery on insulin-regulating hormones
Three researchers – from Canada, the U.S. and Denmark – are among this year’s winners of the Canada Gairdner International Award for work that has led to major advances in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, obesity and other metabolic disorders.
The Globe and Mail
In the slow march of cancer research, two Gairdner award-winning scientists took important steps
Mary-Claire King studied how women can inherit a susceptibility to breast cancer for nearly two decades before others started paying attention to a possible link between genetics and the disease.
Laurentian University senators mull over plan for big changes at school
Members of the Laurentian University Senate are meeting behind closed doors today to assess the recommendations of a subcommittee on the elimination of certain programs at the school.
National Post
Quebec university postpones intimate photo lawsuit against student
A Montreal university has postponed the legal action it took against a student who posted on social media semi-nude photos of herself posing with a diploma featuring the school’s logo.
Toronto Observer
These 3 young Canadians took advantage of the pandemic to go back to school
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians were laid off in the pandemic’s early months. These 3 took the opportunity to rethink their careers.
The PIE News
Canada: government action needed to support int’l students
The Canadian government must take action to support international students who have been affected by Covid-19 if the country is to benefit from them as a source of labour, according to a new report.
University World News
Fears that international student intake will keep falling
Canada suffered a year-on-year drop of between 20% and 30% in international student enrolment between the 2019-20 academic year and the 2020-21 academic year because of the COVID crisis.
CTV News
Supporters of Laurentian University demonstrating on Sudbury’s Bridge of Nations
‘Save Our Sudbury’ (SOS) held a demonstration Tuesday on the city’s Bridge of Nations as Laurentian University’s senate prepares to hold an emergency meeting about the fate of the school.
The Toronto Star
North’s only law school launches Indigenous law and justice institute
Thanks to the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program offered by Canada’s Department of Justice, Lakehead University’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law will receive up to $437,139 to launch an Indigenous Law and Justice Institute, Maamawi Bimosewag – They Walk Together, and expand the law program.
CTV News
Sikh studies program being expanded at University of Calgary
Along with a full schedule of fourth-year business studies at the University of Calgary, Gurbir Parmar is enrolled in another, more personal class — Sikh studies.
Post-secondary students weigh in on the return to a ‘new normal’
Post-secondary students in northern Ontario have shelled out thousands for an educational year like no other — and they are reflecting on what has been a dramatic shift during the pandemic.
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
‘Imagination is the limit:’ U of S research to catch cattle diseases early
Gregg Adams can imagine saving a herd of cattle from an outbreak of a deadly disease in the span of hours.
CKPG Today
UNBC and Faculty Association reach a deal
A new agreement that sets the stage for a better era of labour relations has been ratified by the members of the University of Northern British Columbia Faculty Association and the University of Northern British Columbia.
CTV News
Former Sudbury mayor calls for northern medical school to be granted university status
Former Sudbury mayor Jim Gordon is calling on the province to grant the Northern Ontario School of Medicine university status.