CTV News
Feds commit $1.1B for COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials, immunity research
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced $9 billion in new financial support for post-secondary students.
Global News
Coronavirus outbreak: Bains says vaccine research announcements will build capacity for later distribution
Science Minister Navdeep Bains said the announcement of the COVID-19 Immunization Task Force and funding for vaccine research and clinical trials are all essential parts towards moving Canada towards the possibility of a vaccine.
Globe and Mail
Some employers are finding innovative ways to maintain student hiring
Tobyn Sowden believes the hands-on work experience he received as a University of Victoria co-op student was instrumental in his professional development.
Global News
U of A not planning for all students to return to campus in fall amid COVID-19 pandemic
A University of Alberta vice-president said he does not expect to see a complete return of students to campus this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Globe and Mail
School is almost out and students are getting help in this COVID-19 world
School is almost out for most postsecondary students. My nephew, Sam, just graduated from a very distinguished program offered by a university south of the border.
Sault Star
International student drop hits city, schools: REPORT
Algoma University, Sault College and other Northern Ontario post-secondary institutions, and the cities where they’re based, could be out millions of dollars if international student enrolment dips this fall because of COVID-19.
The Record
‘Some days you get what you ask for’: Support for post-secondary students commended by Waterloo student union
The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association is commending the federal government for its acknowledgement of students previously overlooked by the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.
Brandon Sun
Student unions mixed on federal aid package
While local student groups welcomed the pandemic supports for post-secondary students announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday, they also believe the help doesn’t go far enough.
The London Free Press
Western University sets up COVID-19 relief funding for students
Applications are flowing in to a student relief fund set up by Western University to help its students deal with “significant financial impacts” due to the COVID-19 pandemic, says a school official.
Ottawa Citizen
Student leaders at Carleton, uOttawa, Queen’s issue call for COVID-19 volunteers
If he were a 19-year-old in a previous generation, Nathaniel Black says, he might be serving his country on a battlefield.
A group of engineering students from the University of British Columbia are among the final 10 competitors in an international competition designed to find a low-cost ventilator to help patients with COVID-19.
Global News
COVID 19: University of Lethbridge professors’ 3D-printed masks go beyond city’s borders
Professors at the U of L are reaching beyond the city limits with their 3D printed creations.
Look out N95. A group from the U of S is engineering a new mask
Erik Olson has a stack of faulty pseudo-N95 respirator masks stacked in a corner in his parents’ home in Saskatoon.
UofT profs launch website to help with PPE demand
With the demand for personal protective equipment higher than ever due to COVID-19, a group of University of Toronto professors has launched an online platform to connect suppliers to customers.
Sault Star
Loss of university hockey teams could be setting precedent in tough times
Losing a game to an opponent is one thing. But losing an opponent? That becomes an entirely different game.