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Headlines for April 14, 2022


Global News
Laurentian University could have avoided creditor protection, Ontario auditor says

A report today from Bonnie Lysyk says Laurentian University could have done more to seek financial help from the government.

CBC News
Minister pushes back against Athabasca University president’s defence of virtual campus

Alberta Advanced Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides says Athabasca University must come up with plans to resume and expand in-person operations at its main campus in the northern Alberta town.

Niagara Falls Review
Maintaining COVID-19 mandates part of settlement with Brock University faculty, union says

Association filed a grievance in late January expressing concern the university ‘was not living up to its health and safety responsibilities.’

The Sudbury Star
Profs decry Laurentian’s ‘toxic commitment to secrecy’

Professors at Laurentian and elsewhere say a report from Ontario’s auditor on the university’s financial collapse confirms their long-voiced position that less secrecy and more co-operation with faculty might have prevented the crisis.

Global News
Peterborough post-secondary institutions step up support for Ukraine

Peterborough’s post-secondary institutions continue to step up to help those affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Global News
COVID-19: University of Guelph changes mind on dropping mask requirement

In a statement on Wednesday, the university said face coverings will be required for a little while longer due to the increasing number of cases in the province.

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