Chronicle Herald
Halifax researchers’ new superconducting magnet will help quest to detect Alzheimer’s
Ian Pottie, professor of chemistry and physics at Mount Saint Vincent University, and his team along with Dalhousie brain researcher Sultan Darvesh, have been exploring molecular analysis as a potential diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s.
Toronto Star
Universities and colleges face funding clawbacks for missing performance targets
Ontario colleges and universities could lose as much as 60 per cent of their funding if they fall short of performance targets under changes in the works for the post-secondary sector, Thursday’s provincial budget revealed.
Windsor Star
Queen’s University project encourages parents to explore math with their kids
Six schools in various Ontario communities have taken part in a project funded by the province. The schools were identified by the province as needing more support in math, according to Queen’s researcher Lorraine Godden.
The University of British Columbia
New free guide aims to improve STEM teaching at universities
UBC’s Warren Code and the University of Colorado Boulder’s Stephanie Chasteen offer a free guide designed to help universities transform their STEM teaching practices.
CTV News
Autonomous cars tested against cyber-attacks by Carleton students
Thursday, Carleton University students in the Bachelor of Information Technology program (BIT) tested self-driving vehicles against cyber-attacks and potential threats.