570 News
Canadians join global movement to boycott academic events held in the U.S.
Hundreds of professors have joined more than 6,200 academics around the world pledging to stay away from international conferences held in the United States.
UPEI sees enrolment of Island students drop: MPHEC
The University of Prince Edward Island is continuing to do a good job of attracting off-Island students, but saw its enrolment numbers drop when it came to students from P.E.I.
Canada is the fastest growing G7 country
Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are now home to more than one-third of all Canadians with a combined population of 12.5 million.
Ottawa Citizen
Without immigration, Canada’s growth could be close to zero in 20 years if low fertility rates persist: StatsCan
The cost of child-rearing is another critical element that often dictates family size, said Susan McDaniel, Canada research chair in global population and life course at the U of Lethbridge.
Opinion: United States: Learn from Canada’s dark age of science
“We advise our US colleagues to document everything — every funding cut, every time a scientist is blocked from speaking to the media, every political interference in research.”
Globe and Mail
Toronto’s MaRS lands private financing, repays Ontario loan
The Ontario government is claiming victory after the successful private sector refinancing of a government bailed-out building project at the MaRS Discovery District.